Hi all,
I'm aware of KFlop's ability to interface with labVIEW,
but do not know the extent of it's functionality (I'm sure
there's something out there, but I was not able to find
I'd like to use a KFlop+Kanalog to perform data
acquisition and control through labVIEW.
I need to be able to:
- Read Thermocouple
inputs (they are K-types connected to amplifiers to
produce a 0-10v output)
- Control the speed
of several stepper motors (already have the drivers,
driven with step+dir)
- Read digital and analogue inputs on Kanalog
- Write digital and analogue outputs on Kanalog
- Create a GUI on labVIEW with graphing of the
temperatures and speed controls on the steppers
I'm not particularly familiar with the abilities of
KFlop+Konnect on labVIEW, so advice would be