
Group: DynoMotion Message: 13121 From: embraced338 Date: 4/9/2016
Subject: KFlop+Kanalog with labVIEW
Hi all,

I'm aware of KFlop's ability to interface with labVIEW, but do not know the extent of it's functionality (I'm sure there's something out there, but I was not able to find it).

I'd like to use a KFlop+Kanalog to perform data acquisition and control through labVIEW.

I need to be able to: 
  • Read Thermocouple inputs (they are K-types connected to amplifiers to produce a 0-10v output) 
  • Control the speed of several stepper motors (already have the drivers, driven with step+dir)
  • Read digital and analogue inputs on Kanalog
  • Write digital and analogue outputs on Kanalog
  • Create a GUI on labVIEW with graphing of the temperatures and speed controls on the steppers
I'm not particularly familiar with the abilities of KFlop+Konnect on labVIEW, so advice would be appreciated.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 13129 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/9/2016
Subject: Re: KFlop+Kanalog with labVIEW
Hi Lindsay,

Did you try Googling "Dynomotion Labview" ?

See the listed Video:

See this Thread:

We aren't that familiar with Labview but:

Connecting Thermocouples to ADCs could then be read as ADCs
Reading ADCs could be accomplished in the same manner as reading Axis Destinations by using script command "ADC" instead of "Dest"
Digital I/O could use Script ReadBit, SetBit, ClearBit (or .NET functions)
GUI would require knowledge of LabView


On 4/9/2016 1:06 AM, embraced338@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Hi all,

I'm aware of KFlop's ability to interface with labVIEW, but do not know the extent of it's functionality (I'm sure there's something out there, but I was not able to find it).

I'd like to use a KFlop+Kanalog to perform data acquisition and control through labVIEW.

I need to be able to: 
  • Read Thermocouple inputs (they are K-types connected to amplifiers to produce a 0-10v output) 
  • Control the speed of several stepper motors (already have the drivers, driven with step+dir)
  • Read digital and analogue inputs on Kanalog
  • Write digital and analogue outputs on Kanalog
  • Create a GUI on labVIEW with graphing of the temperatures and speed controls on the steppers
I'm not particularly familiar with the abilities of KFlop+Konnect on labVIEW, so advice would be appreciated.

